#funny and smiling.

funny and smiling

Today I want to share with you all an amazing story about a close friend that I met when I was in Barcelona, an excellent salesman and a funny, loving, chatty, extroverted and charismatic person. He was the type of person who could sell anything, a real Italian from Naples, talking with his hands, #funny and smiling.

When he was offered to start making #videos , he didn't hesitate and instead of a media person who talks to customers, he started posting funny videos. The videos were so successful that at work they suggested he focus on it.

This is how the extroverted salesman found himself a successful #youtuber with tens of thousands of followers and an audience that simply loves his content and enjoys it.

What wouldn't Tony laugh at? About everything and with good taste about the Italians, the English about his village and all people. His meetings with the people were fascinating.

One of the highlights was that Tony and friends took an old Fiat from Italy to the Himalayas.

You can imagine the funny videos that got stuck on the way, etc... without a big production, just a camera and some company.

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